Thank you for Using Prince Destinations

Please use the form below to submit a payment for your trip. A receipt will be e-mailed to you, once the payment has been processed. By submitting this payment you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Some packages are booked with multiple suppliers and therefore may show on your CC statement as separate charges equalling your total balance.



Please charge my credit card referenced above in the amount indicated above for my current reservation. I understand all of the terms and conditions regarding this booking including cancellation policies, any resort fees or entrance fees that are not expressed as covered, applicable penalties, entry requirements, personal risk of destination, and the availability of travel insurance. I understand travel insurance is available and waiving insurance is against my travel agent's recommendations.

Prince Destinations reserves the right to collect all additional costs, fees, and expenses associated with chargebacks, reversals, or recollection, including without limitation attorney fees. By submitting payment you are agreeing to these terms.